Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Inspired by Iain Macarthur

This is an owl i drew, inspired by the work of  Iain Macarthur, i think his illustrations are amazing ...
My owl - Black ink pen on white paper.

Here are some examples of  Iain Macarthur's work...

I love the fact that no colour is needed to make these illustrations eye catching,black line on white paper is all they are, but they're still so effective. I would love for my doodles to be as good as these one day! 

Monday, 13 February 2012

Tattooed beauties

These bold black and white illustrations are by Adam Isaac Jackson, I came across his work on this website. I think his work is stunning, it appears to be both simple and complex at the same time. The lack of colour in these pieces really makes them have an impact, and these illustrations of tattooed women seem to be reminiscent of tattoo designs themselves.

Glenn Arthur art

While i'm on the subject of things that are inspiring me, I felt I just had to post about this artist. Glenn Arthur is an American lowbrow artist who creates stunning, dreamy and sometimes eerie portraits using acrylics on wood. I LOVE his work, he seems to get the compositions so well balanced and each painting seems to 'glow' with feminine beauty.The portraits carry their own personality, to me it looks as if the subjects, along with their hummingbird companions, skulls and ribbons have all been frozen in time.

Stunning sketchbooks...

So this isn't my artwork, but i really wish it was! This amazing sketchbook belongs to Russian artist and illustrator Irina Vinnik. These sketches are so amazingly done, they look more like a final piece of artwork rather than sketchbook work . I hope my doodles will look like this one day :)
I also love the fact that this artist photographs her work alongside cups of tea...